Category Archives: Scuba Training

141. Complacency in diving or something else?

It seems that we are using the term complacency to talk about various incidents or accidents in scuba diving. Is it really complacency or is is something else. Are divers being careless, irresponsible or reckless. As scuba divers we know the inherent risks of entering this incredible environment. So when we don’t take the appropriate … Continue reading 141. Complacency in diving or something else?

140. Mastery, Competency, Performance – Oh My!

We hear the terms mastery, competency and performance when discussing scuba training, but what do these terms really mean. Let’s talk a little more about these terms. How do we achieve mastery or competency? Should there be repetition standards? Are all the skills necessary for basic open water? There is a lot to think about … Continue reading 140. Mastery, Competency, Performance – Oh My!

138. Is the dive industry at an inflection point?

Innovation, technology, and market forces can drive inflection points for business or industries. Inflection points are times of significant change and transformation is necessary for sustainability and growth. Whether it be new training models, like subscription-based learning or new products that create inventory challenges for small dive shops, these changes are signals of an inflection … Continue reading 138. Is the dive industry at an inflection point?

137. The right training, the right equipment and the right experience at the right time.

Becoming a competent and confident diver is a progression that involves training, gear and diving. We often call these the three Es – Equipment, Education, and Experience. But just taking the next course or buying another piece of gear is not the answer. Divers need to progress with the right training with the right equipment … Continue reading 137. The right training, the right equipment and the right experience at the right time.

133. One More Time – Yes, You Do Need a Dive Computer

Dive computers are powerful, reliable and an essential part of your scuba kit. There are many affordable dive computers on the market today that allow divers to fit this into their budget. Is it okay to tell divers that they don’t need to use a dive computer because the dives are going to be shallow? … Continue reading 133. One More Time – Yes, You Do Need a Dive Computer